
Dale Pust

Dale comes to Froehling Anderson with experience at five other companies, always with a focus on systematizing and organization. He enjoys making order out of chaos. His goal is to make the partner’s lives easier – providing the information they need to make sound financial decisions. Dale enjoys reading, cooking, and watching his son’s basketball and football games. The family also enjoys musicals, movies and Dale and his wife practice intentional living.

Prior to his accounting roles, Dale was a professional musician, traveling the world as an accompanist to Gospel singers. According to Dale, “the similarities of music and math are well-known, they’re both systematic!” Every musical role Dale has taken on has eventually led to a role in accounting. A visit to Dale’s office will find various genre of music playing softly in the background.

Chris Schroers

It was Chris’s high school teacher who originally inspired her to pursue the accounting field; her engaging teaching style had such a powerful impact that it has driven her career path ever since. Chris began her career with one CPA firm holding various positions within the firm for 25 years. She started as a tax assembler as she went to school and worked in accounting services and tax before steering towards the internal side of the firm as Controller and later, Firm Administrator. She moved to another firm where she worked for 9 years as their Firm Administrator and was then promoted to Director of Operations.

Chris’s passions are helping people and striving to make her company the best it can be. Her skills in firm management, strategic planning, HR, event planning, budgeting, and financial statements have aided in her success in this industry. When she isn’t overseeing the day-to-day operations of the firm, Chris enjoys spending time with her family at the cabin. She loves to travel and considers Hawaii her happy place. Her hobbies include pickleball, kayaking, working out, and paddleboarding.