
Ashley Forrer

Ashley knew numbers were for her since her first accounting class in high school. She loves talking with clients and getting to know them, their business, including their struggles and successes, then seeing how she can help. “Nothing makes me happier than knowing I made someone’s life better.” The variety of work available at Froehling Anderson has allowed Ashley to develop specialties in the business advisory services department and lets her really understand her clients on a deeper level.

When she’s recharging away from the office, Ashley spends time with her husband, her dog, golfing, hiking, or sitting on a patio. She and her husband also foster dogs through Secondhand Hounds.

Michelle Bryz-Gornia

Michelle was consistently drawn to any class that was business or numbers centered. She decided to pursue accounting in college and quickly realized this wasn’t just something she was good at; it was something she was passionate about. Helping her clients achieve their goals by assisting them with their financial situations fuels her passion for the work she gets to do.

The first five years of her career was spent in state income tax advisory. Michelle later joined the Froehling Anderson team in 2020 and desired to expand her knowledge even further. She started working in Federal and State income taxes to gain experience in different industries within the Tax Services Department. Each day brings new challenges and new problems to solve, and it pushes her to keep learning and growing as she uses her skills of critical thinking, communication, time management, and attention to detail to find creative solutions for her clients.

When she’s recharging away from the office, Michelle can be found spending time outside with her family; hiking, walking her dog, camping, boating, or playing soccer.

Kari Greene

Kari, a natural problem solver, fell in love with accounting because of its similarities to solving a puzzle. She likes discovering the pain points business owners have and the things that keep them up at night, so she can find a solution to relieve their worries. While her love of puzzles and challenges drew her to the profession, it’s the people that made her stay.

After realizing how much information numbers hold, if you know how to read them, Kari quickly learned that those numbers communicate a story, and she wanted to know the stories of her clients. Her experience working with closely held businesses who are passionate about what they do, she gets to hear firsthand how their one idea turned into the business they have today. Their passion about their business combined with Kari’s passion for accounting, they work together to understand the company through numbers, and plan for a successful future. Her passion is the people.

When she’s recharging away from the office, Kari loves to spend time with her family and friends exploring the great outdoors, playing sports, and traveling.

Jacob Gregg

Jake has been business-focused for as long as he can remember. He’s been consistently drawn to numbers and analyzing relationships and discovered he could use both of those skills in accounting. When he was in college, he initially pursued a degree in management, but after he took some accounting classes, he quickly realized this was the path for him.

Right after graduating from college, Jake joined the Froehling Anderson team in 2018 and hasn’t looked back. His strong abilities to communicate well, problem solve, and think critically, are what make him excel in his day-to-day tasks and in his relationships with his clients. No day is the same and he’s always learning something new. He is passionate about developing individual relationships with his clients and learning how their companies operate.

When he’s recharging away from the office, Jake enjoys spending time with his family, being outdoors, camping, and traveling.

Stephanie Puncochar

Stephanie was introduced to the accounting field because of her love of numbers and ability to problem solve. As a former Controller of 22 years for a small manufacturing company, she has extensive hands-on experience coming alongside clients to help them understand profitability. Her proficiency with QuickBooks Pro-Advisor empowers her to guide her clients in recognizing their areas of excellence and suggesting effective ways for improvement.

Stephanie’s love of helping clients find solutions to their problems as well as helping them discover more efficient processes and systems, are just a couple of reasons, among many, why she’s passionate about what she does. She thrives on helping her internal team learn various aspects of their job to broaden their knowledge and offerings to each of their clients.

When she’s recharging away from the office, Stephanie is spending time with her family, fishing in the great outdoors, or deep into a good novel.

Karlee Werner

Karlee’s interest in accounting started from a young age. With her parents owning a business, she grew up watching her mom handle all the accounting. By the time she entered high school, she decided to try an accounting class and was hooked from the beginning. She eventually discovered she enjoys learning about the technical side of taxes as well as finding creative solutions to help clients not only save money but to also make wise financial decisions for their future.

After completing an accounting internship, Karlee joined Froehling Anderson full-time in 2016. She is always willing to lend a hand when questions or issues arise and that is evident in the relationships she has built with her clients over the years.

When she’s recharging away from the office, Karlee can be found reading or going up north to her parent’s house on the lake with her husband and their dog.