
Morgan Jahn


Morgan Jahn

Morgan was introduced to the accounting industry because her parents encouraged her to give it a try. She took their encouragement, pursued an accounting degree, and hasn’t looked back. Her initial introduction to Froehling Anderson was through their well-known internship program. She did two internships while she was in college before joining the team full-time in 2017.

When she started at the firm, Morgan did a little bit of everything, gaining experience in different aspects of public accounting. She started out doing compliance work (tax and audit & assurance) but transitioned to working in outsourced accounting in the Finance and Accounting Solutions department. Working in the Finance and Accounting Solutions department allows her to make a tangible impact on businesses by streamlining their processes and ensuring accuracy in their financial operations. Her passion is helping clients thrive and succeed.

When she’s recharging away from the office, Morgan enjoys camping, going on walks, and anything involving the outdoors.


Bachelors of Accounting from St. Cloud State University

Specialty Areas

Accounting Services
QBO Certified
BILL Certified
Analysis of Financial Statements
Streamlining Processes


Professional Services

You Deserve Freedom

Financial security and health is the cornerstone of every good business. Froehling Anderson can partner with you to ensure it’s in your future as well. Get in touch to learn more about the freedoms our clients enjoy.