
Commitment to Success

Froehling Anderson’s commitment to collaboration extends beyond client interactions; it permeates the very core of our company’s culture. “At Froehling Anderson we strive for strong synergy and it has been a key reason for our success. Ideally, three or more of our team members actively work with people on our client’s team while often simultaneously providing three or more services,” explains David Benusa, CEO of the firm. This unique approach not only strengthens the bond between Froehling Anderson and its clients but also paves the way for deeper, more consultative relationships – a hallmark of the firm’s reputation.

Our commitment to collaboration is also evident when nurturing interns and employees, Froehling Anderson upholds this ethos. David notes, “At other firms, interns are often relegated to administrative tasks and miss out on the experience of a staff accountant.” At Froehling Anderson, however, each intern has the invaluable opportunity to work side-by-side with experienced accountants during tax season. This hands-on experience provides them with the skills and insight essential to a successful career in public accounting.

Froehling Anderson’s commitment to fostering talent and building meaningful relationships is not limited to its client base. It also extends to the growth and development of its own employees, with many interns transitioning into full-time employees upon graduation. This staff development is a testament not only to the firm’s excellence but also to its unique culture, where every member is encouraged to thrive and is recognized as a valuable contributor to the firm’s continued success.

As Froehling Anderson celebrates its 77th year, our commitment to the 3 x 3 x 3 business model remains unwavering. This model, characterized by collaboration, consultation, and a holistic approach to financial services, is the driving force behind the firm’s enduring legacy. Looking to the future, Froehling Anderson continues to set new standards in the world of financial services.