
Gail Thompson

A natural people-person, Gail’s face lights up at the prospect of making a new friend. Which is why it comes as no surprise that, when reflecting on her 20-plus-year accounting career, it’s the friendships—with both clients and colleagues—she values most. After starting her accounting career in the private industry, Gail switched to public accounting in 2008 and joined Froehling Anderson in 2012. As an audit partner in the firm’s Business Consulting Department, she applies her past experience as a controller for an international company to her clients’ businesses. “I know what my clients go through to prepare for an audit,” she says. “Having this understanding allows me to better answer questions and, of course, empathize with their situation.”

These days, her favorite new friends are her two young granddaughters. Raised in a family of boys and the mother of two sons, she says she’s excited to finally be able to “buy pink.” She and her husband also enjoy taking trips to their cabin in northern Minnesota, boating, fishing and reading.